The Power of Long Term Follow Up

The Power of Long Term Follow Up
The very first thing I was told when I entered into the world of car
sales was "contact them until they buy or die".
This was something that was drilled into my brain all through my first
week of training and for the first 6 months of my sales career.

Upon entering the Internet department I found some veterans did not look
at their Internet customers in the same way.
They shuffled through their leads vigorously trying to find a sale, and
threw away people who were not ready to buy today.
Essentially they were cherry picking their prospects. I sat back after
my first month and looked at my numbers thinking there has to be more.
There must be something I can do with all these leads that everyone else
is tossing aside.

And guess what? THERE WAS.

So, I did research on what happens to prospects;
Do they Buy from another Dealer? Brand ?
Switch from New to Used, Used to New ?
Just not in the market?
the best method and process

I initiated my plan to contact them diligently until they either told me
to buzz off or came in to buy. I began broadcast emailing all of the
leads that were 30 days and older. At first I tried this every 7 days
but that seemed to irritate people. So I changed it to every 2 weeks and
found that they did not mind as much. I also found that if I sent
information that was relative to their car inquiry I had less negative
Then I tried a brief survey, and was astounded when lots of prospects
responded to my simple email survey.
The email content asked them specific questions about their shopping
experience. Like a website Content is King!

Not only did I sell an extra 5-10 sales per month, but I was also able
to tell if they came in and had a bad experience, or bought from my
competitor or were just waiting longer. The response was amazing and my
closing percentage went up to between 10 and 12 %.
Some critics of my process say that you get a great deal of people
opting out, however I disagree because if you are sending valuable
information and they are still in the market, they will appreciate it.
It keeps your name fresh in their mind as a reliable source.
My point is that any long term process is better than nothing.
Don't waste money on leads if you do not intend to follow them through
the 90 - 120 day process.

I can assure you that if you shop most of your competitors you will find
that they are not using a long term process either so why not be the
Take your sales to a whole new level by harnessing the power of long
term follow up and show the true potential of your investment

Call me to get your process in place and Sell More Cars !

Thank you,
Thomas Ieracitano

want a website or an email like this ? go to


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