Car Buying

Electric Car - Hybrid Car Question?

Posted: 12 Jan 2012 10:15 PM PST

We all know the benefits of Electric Cars; lower emissions, lowering dependence on oil, and lessening our carbon footprint. The only downfall with Electric Cars is the need for re-charging after a given range of the battery. 

This is where Hybrid Cars come into the picture as you get the benefits of the Electric Car and then it switches to a Gasoline powered Car after the Electric limit has been reached. 

Now, for my question. This is probably a crazy question because if it could be done, I know that it would already be implemented. Why, when a Hybrid Car switches to Gas powered can there not be a way to charge the battery? I know it is a totally different setup, but something like an alternator. Don't call me crazy, just wanted to hear from internet experts.
Thank you,
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