RE: Discussion_Reply_To_Help_with_Lead_Source_Mix

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Discussion_Reply_To_Help_with_Lead_Source_Mix
From: "DrivingSales" <>
Date: Fri, January 14, 2011 10:25 am


A reply to a topic you're participating in has been posted by Thomas Ieracitano:

Stephen, welcome to the car business!! And welcome to Driving Sales.
Looks like you are off to a great start. Like the rest of us in the biz sounds like you got thrown in and you are trying to figure things out as you go and doing a great job of it. As in building any department a good solid foundation and creating a funnel with the anticipated result at the end.

I agree with Bill in using a CRM or at least an ILM to create a database of leads where as you say track your progress. You will also be able to build a follow up process over time. Long Term Follow is important because some New Vehicle buyers will convert to Used Buyers and reverse.
Content is key not only on your website, but in your email follow-up.

When I started in the biz we would say follow them til the buy or die. I believe the say is true today, only the delivery methods have changed.
Be persistent, but professional !
Ask your OEM reps for help and feel free to download any of my material at

Good Luck and Good Selling!

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Thomas Ieracitano
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