4 Reasons Your Website Sucks

4 Reasons Your Website Sucksdescribe the image

I know, you've been working really hard on your website. You've made sure that every pixel is perfect, every menu margin magnificent, and every title titanic.  Unfortunately, it's entirely too easy to make a beautiful website that, well, sucks.
Here are four ways things can go horribly, terribly wrong:
1- Your website isn't findable. Some of the biggest companies in the world have websites that aren't well optimized and they still get found.  Unfortunately for the rest of us, that isn't an option. This is especially a problem for gorgeous sites that are all flash and only have one page for Google or Bing to index, but many new websites don't optimize page titles or URLs--key places for telling search engines what your pages are about.

2- Your website only displays the news about the cool stuff your company has done. Ummmm... that's nice, but if I'm a prospect, I don't care about how cool you think you are--I care about how you're going to solve my problems.  If your website only has navigation about who you are & what you do and a news feed, it sucks.

3- Your website is so slick and cool that people have no idea where to click. It's no secret that people have short attention spans when they surf the web, so making your page so "cool" that you've hidden all obvious navigation is a really good way to increase your bounce rate.  If you only have two buttons, they had better be the best two buttons and serve your prospects' needs exactly, or they're not going to engage.  Even better, though, would be to give your prospects enough options that you can address their varying needs, depending on where they are in the research or buying process.

4-Your website automatically plays sound. Maybe you have an auto-playing video or some funky background music, but it plays instantly. From a pet peeve perspective, this should really be #1, but it's less of a marketing problem and more of an annoyance.  Your prospects probably don't suddenly want a blasting presentation to come out of their computer speakers while they're sitting in quiet cube farms.  They'll quickly close the browser tab rather than becoming engaged, filling out lead forms, and eventually buying your product or service.

If you want to "unsuckify" your website, make sure it has the following:
  • Enough well-optimized pages that people can find you How you're going to solve your prospects' problems
  • Clear navigation & calls-to-action
  • And for the love of everything, no automatically playing noise or video!

Taking these actions will go a very long way towards making sure your prospects stay on your site, interact with your company, and become customers!

Need more help? Click or call me!

Thank you,
Thomas Ieracitano
Can't Make it Here, We'll Take it There!

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