Nothing matters if a lead is not properly answered
Nothing matters if a lead is not properly answered. No SEO or SEM, no mobile apps, no 360 degree views of the car on your website, no amount of third party lead-buying matters if you can't get back to a customer right away with a quote. Too often, dealers underestimate this vital "blocking and tackling" step, pursuing all kinds of sexy strategies to gin up lead volume. They fail to recognize that if a lead isn't properly answered, lead volume is meaningless. The arrival of an incoming lead represents "the moment of truth." The point of lead arrival signifies the moment when a customer has decided to put three to four dealers on trial. Who has a fair price? Who has what I want in stock? Who will give me the best service? Who can I trust? How the dealer responds in the minutes or hours after the lead arrives shapes the customer's view of that dealership. The simple fact is, according to a study by the Cobalt Group, that 25% of all leads don't get answe...