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How To Be Charismatic

How To Be Charismatic A communications coach offers a quick lesson in the brain science behind charisma. Posted by: Meridith Levinson in Best Practices Topic: Personal Management Blog: Career Connection Current Rating: Comments: 5 Can a stuffy manager learn to be charismatic? You bet. While many people believe charisma is an innate quality (you either have it or you don't), communications expert and coach Dr. Nick Morgan maintains that anyone can learn to be charismatic. Charisma, Morgan explained during a recent Reach Branding Club teleseminar , is the focused expression of emotion. So long as managers can learn to focus their emotions, they can learn to be charismatic. (Check out Morgan's thoughts on leadership, communication and authenticity .) "When we find a speaker charismatic, it's because the speaker has a powerful emotion connected with the material he or she is talking about," Morgan said during the teleseminar. "...

How To Be Charismatic

How To Be Charismatic A communications coach offers a quick lesson in the brain science behind charisma. Posted by: Meridith Levinson in Best Practices Topic: Personal Management Blog: Career Connection Current Rating: Comments: 5 Can a stuffy manager learn to be charismatic? You bet. While many people believe charisma is an innate quality (you either have it or you don't), communications expert and coach Dr. Nick Morgan maintains that anyone can learn to be charismatic. Charisma, Morgan explained during a recent Reach Branding Club teleseminar , is the focused expression of emotion. So long as managers can learn to focus their emotions, they can l...

quote of the day

You create your opportunities by asking for them. Shakti Gawain

E-mail Etiquette: 8 Tips to Avoid Communication Blunders

E-mail Etiquette: 8 Tips to Avoid Communication Blunders Before you dash off another sloppy e-mail, remember: Your e-mail speaks volumes about your communication skills and you as a person. Consider these eight guidelines for effective e-mail writing, shared by an e-mail etiquette expert. CIO - Think e-mail writers have become more effective and polite in the last decade? Maureen Bertolo begs to differ. Not only do the dreaded "reply all" and SHOUT e-mail blunders persist, but also, Twitter and texting are making e-mail manners worse, says Bertolo, who began her career as a computer programmer and has been teaching e-mail etiquette classes for 10 years. Unfortunately, she says, people express the same questions and complaints about e-mail in the seminars she teaches today on behalf of her employer, CAI Inc., that they had a decade ago. Chief among those complaints: "E-mails are too long!" and "Why do I get so many of them?!" The persistent problem with e-...

Mr. Studmuffin

Mr. Studmuffin   You have to watch the guy on the left, NOT THE GIRL!!        I loved this..!   Hope you had a good laugh,   I know I did !  

bear hunters

These bear hunters were sitting around the cabin the night before the hunt bragging about their pass hunts. The cabin boy was listening and went over and said "you guys make it seam pretty hard on capturing a bear". They all laughed and said "it is hard; do you think you could bag one"? "I can go out and bag you 2 if you will skin them, and I will bet each of you $100.00. They agreed and off he went out into the night. Soon he spotted a big grizzly; he waved his arm and started hollering the big bear started after him and he started running for the shack. When he got close to the shack he started yelling. "Open the door he yelled". They looked out and saw the bear chasing the boy. Just as he got to the door they opened it and he stepped aside and the bear went in. He slammed the door and locked it and shouted. "OK skin him I'll go and get the other one".