Mobile Marketing Mania

Mobile Marketing Mania Written by Alex Rodrigues Tuesday, 14 June 2011 11:10 Mobile mania is officially here. It is not the future, it is now. And it's going to dominate how dealerships interact and market to their customers. Already, 93 percent of the U.S. population has a mobile device, and 40 percent have smart phones or mobile web devices. At some point in 2013, more people will access the internet using a mobile device than they will with a PC. In 2010 alone, mobile web browsing jumped 32 percent while there was a 90 percent increase in mobile app users. Mobile Commerce The kicker is that people are using their mobile devices to conduct business-researching and shopping for products, even buying and selling products. Clearly, people are becoming more comfortable using their smart phones for various activities. People spend what amounts to 125 years every day playing the popular game Angry Birds. On eBay...